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Freezers & Fridges

Gas & Paraffin Freezers

Cold Factor Freezers

Cold Factor are a South African company which has over 25 years of experience in manufacturing gas and paraffin freezers, and the only 3-way Camping Freezers (220v/ 12v/LP Gas) on the market in the country. All products are designed and manufactured for African conditions.
Cold Factor appliances carry a 3 year warranty.

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Zero Appliances Freezers

Proudly South African, Zero Appliances was established over 60 years ago and are specialists in manufacturing gas and paraffin freezers and fridges. All appliances are designed not only to withstand the harsh African environment but also to perform efficiently in high ambient temperatures.
Freezers and fridges all come with a 3 year warranty.

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Gas & Paraffin Fridges

Zero Appliances Fridges

Proudly South African, Zero Appliances was established over 60 years ago and are specialists in manufacturing gas and paraffin freezers and fridges. All appliances are designed not only to withstand the harsh African environment but also to perform efficiently in high ambient temperatures.
Freezers and fridges all come with a 3 year warranty.

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