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Huis Ebenaeser – Pretoria

Huis Ebenaeser – Pretoria

After a Zero 4-burner gas stove was damaged in transit, we decided to find a worthy cause that we could donate it to (the damage was superficial).  Huis Ebenhaeser came to our attention because of the outstanding work they do for abused women and abandoned children. Their stove was beyond repair and they were cooking all their meals on two counter top 2-burner gas mini stoves.

It is a pleasure for us to be able to assist an organisation who offer this sort of help and protection for the most vulnerable of our society!


Motivated by the plight of neglect, abandonment and desperation of children and abused mothers in their community, Huis Ebenhaéser was founded in 1981 by Johnny and Soekie Thomas converting their home into a refuge and safe haven.

Huis Ebenhaeser was formed as a faith-based non profit organization to provide a safe and stable home for children who have been neglected, abandoned, abused or caught up in family turmoil.

Today, Huis Ebenhaéser does more than just house these children.  We ensure that they get good medical care, nourishing food, proper clothes, and an education.  We give them counselling, lots of love, attention, and a positive lifestyle.  But the most important thing we give them is hope.

Huis Ebenhaéser is located in Daspoort Pretoria North.

For more information please contact them on :-

Tel: (012) 379-8504

Cel: 082 928 5746

Email: adrey@ebenhaeser.zo.org

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