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Paloma Standard Remote Controller

Paloma Standard Remote Controller

R1,350.00 Inc VAT


  •  Up to 60C
  • Optional programmable remote controllers allow you to precisely set the temperatures in different rooms. Should you choose not to take a controller the temperatures will be pre-set. Only qualified gas installers are authorised to change any settings inside the cover of a Paloma Gas Geyser.
  • Allows you to pre set the water temperature in different rooms
  • Comes with a bath-fill function (alarm sound) to turn off the “hot water” bath tap when the bath has reached the desired level
  • Remote Controllers Not wireless. Must be connected to geyser with normal 2-flex speaker cable (not included). Cable either be supplied to you by your gas installer/ electrician, or you can purchase it yourself from most hardware stores where it will be cut-to-measure & connectors will be fitted for you.

Mobile version: Enabled